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Web technology is growing with one website deployed per second. It can be said that any business will have a website. Therefore, web engineer become an essential part to make it happen. However, web technology is not simple, there are... more
Web technology is growing with one website deployed per second. It can be said that any business will have a website. Therefore, web engineer become an essential part to make it happen. However, web technology is not simple, there are more than 50 web frameworks that can be used to develop a website. There are more than 10 web programming languages that can be chosen to develop a website. This paper proposes an idea to accelerate learning curve for new web developers. The paper uses ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate) framework to develop an e-learning that will support the classroom as a blended learning experience. Accordingly, this article proposes learning plan namely Web Engineering Education (W2E). W2E proposes structured blended learning approach and capstone design course model to achieve the body knowledge of web developers. This paper will describe the body knowledge for web engineering, the learning curve that proposed for a new web developer, and evaluation technique that can be used to evaluate the web developer.
Research Interests:
— One of the issues on a video game is creating several light patterns and quick movement that potentially makes a player feels dizzy, motion sickness or even seizure. On the game industry, the seizure information warning is displayed... more
— One of the issues on a video game is creating several light patterns and quick movement that potentially makes a player feels dizzy, motion sickness or even seizure. On the game industry, the seizure information warning is displayed when the game is started and already purchased. This information is considered late, since in order to understand the potential of seizure, the player should buy and play the video game first. This paper proposes an effort to measure the potential of seizure by qualitatively measuring the playing environment and the game content. As a result, the paper proposes a video game seizure rating (VGS rating). The VGS rating will help parents or video game players to measure the potential of seizure without buying or playing the video game. VGS rating has 10 attributes to measure the potential of seizure on a video game. As a result, the proposed method has mean and standard deviation with similar result of the questionnaire method. Therefore, the VGS rating can be used to measure the video game seizure rating without need to play the video game
Software development is any activities that related with the construction or modification of a software. As a part of software engineering activity, software development has become a critical path to create useful software. Nowadays,... more
Software development is any activities that related with the construction or modification of a software. As a part of software engineering activity, software development has become a critical path to create useful software. Nowadays, building software is relatively easier than in two decades before. Integrated development environment, source code versioning, even cloud technology help developers to accelerate the software development activity. However, the challange is software development is not only how fast the software available on the market and how to deliver quality software. Especially for software product, the challenging problem is give differentiation to the software. Differentiation means creativity that led to innovation. In this session, we will discuss 10 proven paths to accelerate creativity on software product development. As a result, the 10 proven paths can be used by the developer or project manager to accelerate creativity in delivering unique and differentiate software product Keywords—software development;software product
Microsoft, PayPal, and Facebook is a few examples how a micro independent software vendor (Micro-ISV) can be a world class enterprise. The successful examples of many startups on software product encourages a lot of IT entrepreneurship to... more
Microsoft, PayPal, and Facebook is a few examples how a micro independent software vendor (Micro-ISV) can be a world class enterprise. The successful examples of many startups on software product encourages a lot of IT entrepreneurship to create a microISV. Creating a micro-ISV is not a big deal on IT entrepreneurship, however to make it grow and survive is something that is not stress-free. Creating micro-ISV is a high risk activity that need a careful survival planning, a vital product planning, even a brilliant marketing plan to make the product is received with limited resources that they have. This
paper makes an effort to identify several key patterns that can work as a survival model for micro-ISV to build a product. As a result, this paper proposes seven survival patterns that can be useful for startup to start their journey as a micro-ISV. The survival patterns
are composed from six micro-ISV on the developing country that is observed and
interviewed by using case study approach.
The essential function of the learning management system (LMS) is to manage and the learning object. Therefore, storage capacity becomes critical component when the content and the user is growing. Some of the existing LMS experience... more
The essential function of the learning management system (LMS) is to manage and the learning object. Therefore, storage capacity becomes critical component when the content and the user is growing. Some of the existing LMS experience problems to store many files because of limited storage capacity and also the inability of the LMS has scalability on the storage. This paper makes an effort to improve the LMS capability on storage capacity by integrating the LMS storage with the cloud storage. Specifically, this paper proposes low cost consumer cloud storage to be used for storage extension on the LMS. This paper discusses about the comparison between several consumer cloud storage and its integration strategy. As a result, this paper can be a consideration when choosing a cloud storage for LMS or e-learning.
In this modern era, software projects have been developed by more than one developer that may be on different division or even different organizations. This approach is already known as Join Application Development (JAD). The main problem... more
In this modern era, software projects have been developed by more than one developer that may be on different division or even different organizations. This approach is already known as Join Application Development (JAD). The main problem on JAD is the effectiveness of collaboration and communication between developers. In software engineering, the communication and collaboration can be facilitated through a good project management and IT infrastructure. However, the approach still has challenges in the process of learning and knowledge sharing. For example, how to make sure that the developers have suf cient knowledge on a project. Furthermore, how developers know what they need to learn and what they need to share with the team members. This paper will propose an innovative teaching model for a software engineering education through software engineering education learning process on the organization. Software engineering education learning process will facilitate the developer team to identify, to learn, and to validate the software engineering education that needed to nish a software project. This model will utilize software development lifecycle (SDLC) as a timeline to integrate between learning process and project execution. The proposed model can be bene cial for project manager to make sure that the developers have sufficient knowledge to finish the project effectively.
Paper ini membahas pemodelan pengenalan penanda Augmented Reality (AR) yang dirancang dengan menggunakan Metaio Creator berbasis desktop, untuk memberikan informasi spesifikasi dari sebuah smartphone. Aplikasi ini bekerja dengan... more
Paper ini membahas pemodelan pengenalan penanda Augmented Reality (AR) yang dirancang dengan menggunakan Metaio Creator berbasis desktop, untuk memberikan informasi spesifikasi dari sebuah smartphone. Aplikasi ini bekerja dengan mengarahkan pc camera ke arah penanda, kemudian aplikasi akan memberikan informasi tambahan secara virtual mengenai smartphone tersebut. Informasi yang diterima oleh konsumen meliputi spesifikasi dan fitur unggulan smartphone. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap proses pengenalan penanda (natural printed AR marker) yang meliputi jarak jangkauan pengenalan penanda dan luas area penanda yang dapat dikenali oleh aplikasi AR. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa jarak jangkauan yang baik antara penanda terhadap pc camera dan luas area penanda yang baik untuk ditangkap oleh pc camera. Sehingga user dapat mengetahui jangkauan dan luas area penanda yang baik dalam menjalankan aplikasi Augmented Reality. Kata kunci: Augmented Reality, Metaio Creator, Natural Printed AR Marker,...
Paper ini membahas tentang evaluasi dan pengujian dalam pembuatan ARca. ARca merupakan buku interaktif dalam pembelajaran candi Prambanan menggunakan augmented reality yang dilengkapi interaksi virtual button. Penelitian ini membahas... more
Paper ini membahas tentang evaluasi dan pengujian dalam pembuatan ARca. ARca merupakan buku interaktif dalam pembelajaran candi Prambanan menggunakan augmented reality yang dilengkapi interaksi virtual button. Penelitian ini membahas pengujian dan evaluasi teknis dari aplikasi ARca yaitu pengujian pendeteksian, pengujian pelacakan, dan pengujian feature. Pengujian terdiri dari indentifikasi jarak, sudut, waktu pendeteksian dan luas area halaman buku untuk menampilkan augmented reality. Dari pengujian dan evaluasi ditemukanlah ukuran jarak, sudut, luas permukaan, dan kondisi ideal untuk penggunaan dan perancangan buku ARca. Hasil tersebut yang menjadi standar dalam penggunaan dan pengembangan buku ARca.
Matematika adalah salah satu dasar utama pengembangan teknologi informasi. Dengan kata lain, pembelajaran Matematika menjadi dasar yang penting bagi siswa atau mahasiswa yang kelak akan menjadi inovator di... more
Matematika  adalah  salah  satu  dasar  utama  pengembangan  teknologi  informasi.  Dengan  kata  lain,
pembelajaran  Matematika  menjadi  dasar  yang  penting  bagi  siswa  atau  mahasiswa  yang  kelak  akan
menjadi  inovator  di  bidang  teknologi  informasi.  Namun  demikian,  pembelajaran  Matematika  masih
menjadi isu bagi siswa menengah maupun mahasiswa  tahun pertama. Hal ini dikarenakan Matematika
masih sulit divisualisasikan dari konsep menjadi sesuatu yang lebih mudah dipahami di kehidupan seharihari.  Makalah  ini  akan  mengkaji  berbagai  usaha  yang  dapat  dilakukan  untuk  membuat  model
pembelajaran Matematika yang lebih inovatif dengan teknologi informasi. Sebagai hasil keluaran, makalah
ini mengusulkan model pembelajaran yang mendayagunakan berbagai perangkat bantu Matematika yang
sudah tersedia di Internet. Model pembelajaran tersebut diharapkan menjadi dasar bagi pengajar dan siswa
untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran yang lebih dinamis, menarik, dan sederhana.
Research Interests:
Bidang pendidikan merupakan salah satu bidang yang paling mendapatkan perhatian dari pemerintah. Setiap tahunnya, terdapat peristiwa yang selalu mendapat sorotan yaitu pada saat kelulusan siswa tingkat menengah atas. Diharapkan para... more
Bidang pendidikan merupakan salah satu bidang yang paling mendapatkan perhatian dari pemerintah. Setiap tahunnya, terdapat peristiwa yang selalu mendapat sorotan yaitu pada saat kelulusan siswa tingkat menengah atas. Diharapkan para lulusan tersebut tetap melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi di perguruan tinggi. Berbagai informasi mengenai
perguruan tinggi disediakan. Akan tetapi informasi yang tersedia belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan informasi para siswa tersebut mengenai jurusan yang sesuai. Akibatnya, siswa mencoba mendapatkan saran masukan jurusan yang sesuai dengan berbagai cara. Pilihan jurusan yang tidak sesuai dengan kondisi siswa dapat menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan ketika menempuh perkuliahan sehingga dapat berakibat kehilangan motivasi untuk belajar bahkan meneruskan masa studinya. Penelitian ini mencoba mengatasi persoalan
tersebut dengan menghasilkan sistem rekomendasi jurusan dengan menggunakan metode  Analytic Hierarchy Process dan menggabungkan kriteria yang mempengaruhi pemilihan jurusan yang berupa kemampuan, minat, dan juga kesukaan terhadap bidang tertentu Pendekatan  User Preference digunakan agar hasil rekomendasi mendekati hasil yang diinginkan pengguna dengan cara menyerahkan pemberian bobot kriteria pada pengguna.
Research Interests:
Culinary tour becomes very popular among society. Many restaurant raised offering various delicious foods. We can easily find a lot of information about them through electronic and print media. Unfortunately,... more
Culinary  tour  becomes  very  popular  among
society. Many  restaurant  raised offering  various  delicious  foods. We  can  easily  find  a  lot  of  information  about  them  through electronic  and  print  media.  Unfortunately,  this  information sometimes  doesn't  help  us.  Too many information make us confuse and hard to decide which one is the best one. People need a recommendation system that can help them to decide which food is the suitable one. Many criteria is used to decide which food will be eaten. People do not always eat a food because its popularity. People choose one menu maybe because its calorie, its price, its location, or something else. This research try to find the better way to give a food recommendation. Based on Weighted Sum Model calculation,  this  research want  to  build  a  better technique using Contextual  Model.  Contextual  model  makes  the  system  more understand and more friendly
Research Interests:
Upaya peningkatan kualitas pelayanan telah dilakukan secara terus menerus oleh pemerintah. Salah satunya dengan melakukan evaluasi kinerja. Evaluasi kinerja organisasi yang telah ada yaitu Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat. Namun,... more
Upaya  peningkatan  kualitas  pelayanan  telah
dilakukan secara terus menerus oleh pemerintah. Salah satunya dengan melakukan evaluasi kinerja. Evaluasi  kinerja  organisasi yang  telah  ada  yaitu  Indeks  Kepuasan  Masyarakat.  Namun, evaluasi  kinerja  tersebut  belum  bisa  menjawab  efektifitas perpindahan informasi antar unit teknis layanan. Padahal dalam perpindahan  informasi  seringkali  terjadi  permasalahan  yang berpotensi  mengganggu  jalannya  kegiatan  pelayanan.  Seperti, dokumen hilang, salah tujuan, atau terlambat. Di  dalam  penelitian  ini  diusulkan  untuk  menghitung efektifitas  layanan  dengan  pendekatan  interoperabilitas  antara unit layanan teknis dalam suatu layanan. Nilai interoperabilitas layanan  didapat  dengan  menjumlahkan  semua  nilai interoperabilitas penghubung dalam suatu layanan. Faktor yang menyusun  interoperabilitas  penghubung  adalah  teknis  dan organisasi.  Semakin  tinggi  nilai  yang  didapat  semakin rendah kinerja  layanan.  Dengan  mengetahui  tingkat interoperabilitas layanan, dapat diketahui  efektifitas layanan publik  secara  lebih cepat
Research Interests:
With the growth of the Internet, more and more sites are available. In terms of e-commerce, more and more companies have started making use of the e-commerce to market their products. In order to attract customers, the products are made... more
With the growth of the Internet, more and more sites are available. In terms of e-commerce, more and more companies have started making use of the e-commerce to market their products. In order to attract customers, the products are made attractive. The interestability of a product can be analyzed using eye tracking. This paper discusses some measurements used to analyze customers' behavior on web design or to identify their interest in a certain product offered on an e-commerce website using the eye tracking method that has been discussed in the previous researches. Those researches will be classified based on Bojko's taxonomy for eye tracking measurement in order to analyze the implementation of eye tracking measures for user experience. The result of this paper is the measurements of eye tracking that are often used to analyze customer behavior, including Area Interest Measures(to identify user's interest), Cognitive Processing Measures (to explain the cognitive process of web exploration), and Target Recognisability Measures (to determine target's efficiency in web design). All metrics in eye tracking measures are used throughout the research, except for the pupil dilation.
Research Interests:
one of the difficulties of educational equity for developing country is that many teachers and students are spread across many islands. Distance education is one of the solutions to educational equity. However, the implementation of... more
one of the difficulties of educational equity for developing country is that many teachers and students are spread across many islands. Distance education is one of the solutions to educational equity. However, the implementation of distance education is somewhat tricky and requires experience on its implementation. This paper will introduce DEMO (Distance Education Management Object), a proposed model to manage a distance education based on three components which are digital learning object, knowledge transfer mechanism, and cloud technology infrastructure. DEMO can be a practical guidance for organizations that want to prepare and to execute the distance education based on cloud platform solution.
Research Interests:
In response to elderly people with independent living, healthcare services for elderly people is intended to be provided at homes, particularly for elderly with long-term care services and some disabilities. The health service can be... more
In response to elderly people with independent living, healthcare services for elderly people is intended to be provided at homes, particularly for elderly with long-term care services and some disabilities. The health service can be facilitated utilizing the use of ubiquitous home care, equipped by connected technologies. Interoperability system has an important role in ubiquitous home care. By understanding the system interoperability requirements, the resulting ubiquitous home care system design becomes more effectively. Unfortunately, usability in designing ubiquitous home care is still less concern. Lack of usability concern will contribute in poorly designed of home care system for elderly. Elderly people will get difficulties in learning and operating the system. Poor designed system can create many human errors. Designing a user friendly ubiquitous home care system based on needs and preferences of elderly is such an important thing. The objective of this paper is to investigate a ubiquitous home care model for the elderly from the perspective of human Centered design and interoperability. As a result, a well-designed home care for elderly people based on human Centered approach will be able to encapsulate interoperability problems among medical devices.
Research Interests:
Nowadays, application store become major channel of content and software solution for modern operating system. It enriches the operating system with a wide range choice of the applications through several category and classification. One... more
Nowadays, application store become major channel of content and software solution for modern operating system. It enriches the operating system with a wide range choice of the applications through several category and classification. One of the consideration when people purchase or install an application is based on the application rating. Application rating represents the accumulation experience of the users. However, it doesn't provide and additional information in term of user experience. This research makes an effort to improve the value of rating assessment by giving additional variables through user experience questionnaire. As a result, the proposed method can be used for anyone who need to deep evaluate the application by combining the user rating and the user experience.
Research Interests:
Online existence is required as one of the important aspects of business processes including educational institutions. The improvement of online existence is needed because the customer needs better information service. These improvements... more
Online existence is required as one of the important aspects of business processes including educational institutions. The improvement of online existence is needed because the customer needs better information service. These improvements will be done to increase the site's ranking in the search engine index.
One of measurement used in educational institutions is Webometrics. Many research has been done related to the increase in Webometrics. This study offers a freshness propose how to improve the university's website by entering a non-technical criteria at Webometrics and WCAG 2.0 guidelines for technical criteria. Evaluation of the website is divided into two phases, namely the technical evaluation using tools TAW and non-technical evaluation through direct observation using Webometrics success criteria. The results of the evaluation were presented in a graph that shows the error rate of the website.
There are some errors that appeared in the technical criteria on 6 websites of Sebelas Maret University, amounting to perceivable 27,08%, operable 17,07% and robust 56,85%. The results of the non-technical criteria all websites are not match in the category of language evaluation, whereas for archiving and persistence parameters only E-prints website, e-Iearning website, and library website that meet the criteria.
Research Interests:
One of the important things on Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is the availability of the learning content. The availability of the contents are related directly with the capacity and the capability of the storage. Cloud storage has... more
One of the important things on Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is the availability of the learning content. The availability of the contents are related directly with the capacity and the capability of the storage. Cloud storage has promising capability to create the availability set for MOOC without sacrificing a lot investment for hardware and software. However, numerous cloud storage provider doesn’t have a reference model to use the product for MOOC. This paper will discuss the idea to integrate cloud storage as a learning object repository for MOOC. The paper will revisit the learning object concept to design the interface between cloud storage and MOOC. As a result, the paper proposes the integration model between cloud storage and MOOC. The proposed integration is delivered as Application Programming Interface (API) and learning object metadata extraction technique.
Key Words: learning object, MOOC, cloud storage, application programming interface.
Abstract—Tourism is closely connected with mobile activities. People go the tourism attractions by doing mobile within city or even country. As a tourist, mobility means put some risk for the convenience of sightseeing. For example, when... more
Abstract—Tourism is closely connected with mobile activities. People go the tourism attractions by doing mobile within city or even country. As a tourist, mobility means put some risk for the convenience of sightseeing. For example, when the visitor visits the attractions might feel uncomfortable because crowd of people, closed attractions, or meaningless unguided tour. This paper describes an alternative approach to improve the tourism experience through mobile software technology. The research proposes a model namely mobile tourism service model. Mobile tourism service model is designed to fulfill the gap between the tourism experience and the contextual of the attractions. As a benefit, mobile tourism services model will guide a content developer to create mobile application that improve the tourism user experience based on contextual, culture, and live information.
Education is one of the important things in the children life, without exception for special need children. Mental retardation is a part of them, who often encountered some constraints in learning process due to their limitations. One of... more
Education is one of the important things in the children life, without exception for special need children. Mental retardation is a part of them, who often encountered some constraints in learning process due to their limitations. One of the obstacles encountered is to understand the learning material. In this research, it started from a believe that learn with interesting learning media through utilizing technological advances will help the student with special need. The research will propose the unique learning media by utilizing Kinect technology. As a contribution of this research, it is expected that the learning media shall increase the motivation of special need student.
Research Interests:
Fast growing population of elderly people has recently been a serious issue in many countries and becomes a global concern in the world. Most elderly people require assistance in their daily life, including in maintaining their wellbeing,... more
Fast growing population of elderly people has recently been a serious issue in many countries and becomes a global concern in the world. Most elderly people require assistance in their daily life, including in maintaining their wellbeing, taking care of their health, or responding to emergency medical situations. The need for caring for elderly people, particularly to maintain their wellbeing, has been growing significantly. The objective of this research is to seek improvements in quality of life that can enhance the wellbeing of elderly people through innovations in information technology. This research is also expected to be a significant contribution for dealing with ageing population as a common issue in many countries. This paper deals with a pervasive health care technologies and ambient environment, which propose a model of Connected Technologies for Home Care for Elderly People (Contempo) to enhance the wellbeing of elderly people. A model of wellbeing assessment is also proposed to examine the proposed Contempo.
One of difficulties in learning mathematics (counting) can be overcome by providing a relaxed and fun learning for preschoolers. Games can be used as an alternative solution. This study was conducted as a pilot project for reviewing the... more
One of difficulties in learning mathematics (counting) can be overcome by providing a relaxed and fun learning for preschoolers. Games can be used as an alternative solution. This study was conducted as a pilot project for reviewing the Kodu, Unity 3D and Construct 2 game platform for this purpose. The method used is the classification, review/evaluation, prototyping and analysis. Tech Review of these game platforms will be discussed as a result in this paper. As a result, this paper proposes choices for a developer to develop educational game based on the reviewed technology
Usability of a website is determined as how a product can be used to achieve certain goals effectively, efficiently and satisfyingly. The purpose of current study is to test the usability of a website for a flight schedule search of... more
Usability of a website is determined as how a product can be used to achieve certain goals effectively, efficiently and satisfyingly. The purpose of current study is to test the usability of a website for a flight schedule search of Garasitiket website. Usability test was done by comparing an existing and an alternative form using respondents from members of Garasitiket and non-members. Data was analyzed using independent sample t-test. The result showed that “familiar” may not fully affect users in selecting user interface, however, it may have effect on the user's mental model. A mental model will influence users to passionate with an existed user interface rather than to try a new one. Statistical analyses indicated that there were no significant differences between existing and alternative forms. Furthermore, User Experience Model 1 was more preferable rather than User Experience Model 2.
the limitations of learning interaction on distance learning produces a variety of challenges. One of the major challenges in distance learning is to convince that distance learning produces the same quality as the conventional... more
the limitations of learning interaction on distance
learning produces a variety of challenges. One of the major
challenges in distance learning is to convince that distance
learning produces the same quality as the conventional learning.
The challenge can be solved if an organization has an
implementation policy of distance learning. But in fact, a distance
learning is only a limited e-learning software with digitized
materials. This paper will propose a standard implementation
policy called Distance Learning Lifecycle Management (DLLM).
DLLM integrates Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
(CSCL) concept and instructional design with the agile values. As
a result, DLLM will guide any organization to manage and
maintain the lifecycle of distance learning dynamically
Avatar become one of the representative of digital communication. The usage of avatar is not only as a representative of the user attributes but also represent the behavior of the users such as emotion, passion, and mood. However, the... more
Avatar become one of the representative of digital communication. The usage of avatar is not only as a representative of the user attributes but also represent the behavior of the users such as emotion, passion, and mood. However, the usage of avatar behavior is depends on the user actions. The avatar have no knowledge about the mood of the user until the user describe the mood through status update or comments. If only, the avatar behavior can be automated thorugh some patterns and contexts, it will help the user to automate their mobile activity. This paper will revisit the usage of avatar in mobility world and propose a model called Mobile Contextual Avatar (MCA). The proposed model will discuss the conceptual technique how the context and pattern usage will help the content developer to model dynamic mobile services.
The development of mobile applications is becoming one of the growth sectors of the local software economy. In addition to a lot of mobile users, developers also have a lot of choices in developing mobile applications. A large selection... more
The development of mobile applications is becoming one of the growth sectors of the local software economy. In addition to a lot of mobile users, developers also have a lot of choices in developing mobile applications. A large selection resulted in the development technology makes developer team need to invest the time to learn each platform. This was definite by the competition of mobile application development which should always be fast, efficient, and also includes as many targeted platform. This paper will focus for the beginner developer teams who want to develop or evaluate mobile applications in more nimble. In this paper, it is shown a software engineering approach called MASEF ("Mobile Application Software Engineering Framework"). MASEF will guide novice developers to develop and evaluate a mobile application development in agile way. This paper also recounts the successes and challenges in adopting MASEF at four kinds of mobile applications projects.
Social network is currently being an important part of someone. Many of users in social network make it an effective publication. One of many things that can be published on social network is tourism. Indonesia has a lot of tourism and... more
Social network is currently being an important part of someone. Many of users in social network make it an effective publication. One of many things that can be published on social network is tourism. Indonesia has a lot of tourism and culinary, especially on Special District of Yogyakarta.Tourism and culinary resources on Yogyakarta can be published and shared using social network. In addition, development of mobile technology and smartphone make easier to access social network through internet. The release of Windows Phone 7 makes new color in the world of smartphone. Windows Phone 7comes with elegant interface, Metro Style. Besides that, standardized specification makes Windows Phone 7 suitable for integrating social network with tourism and culinary on Special District of Yogyakarta. This Research is expected to integrate social network with tourism and culinary on Yogyakarta. The method in this research is using ICONIX method. This method is one method that combines waterfall and agile methods. The results of this study are in the form of applications that run on Windows Phone 7 and consume a web service. This application provides information especially for tourist in order to be able to easily find culinary and tourism in Yogyakarta.
""the development of information technology is currently evolving at least every six months. A wide selection of technologies and solutions encourage educational institutions and personal need to be able to assess and to adopt ICT... more
""the development of information technology is currently evolving at least every six months. A wide selection of technologies and solutions encourage educational institutions and personal need to be able to assess and to adopt ICT technologies as needed. Various ICT options and grows leads a confusion and tiredness in learning activity. That is because the learning process for a technology ICT is becoming shorter, more choices, and growing rapidly. The problem is compounded by the diversity and skills of someone who heterogeneous.
In this research it is looked at the needs of a specific learning model for ICT learning model for user or information worker. The proposed model uses dynamic, up to date, and certainly efficient in terms of time. The presence of such a model will be essential in an educational institution, companies, or person that use ICT-based systems. This study proposes a model called Agile Learning Model (AGLEMO). AGLEMO is derived from studies of self-paced learning model of e-learning combined with agile process analogy that is applied in the educational process specifically to the needs of learning and understanding of ICT systems. AGLEMO expected to be an alternative guide for ICT learning process that can be combined with conventional e-learning process.""
Adopting an Information Communication and Technology (ICT) system in an organization is somewhat challenging. User diversity, heavy workload, and different skill gap make the ICT adoption process slower. This research starts from a... more
Adopting an Information Communication and Technology (ICT) system in an organization is somewhat challenging. User diversity, heavy workload, and different skill gap make the ICT adoption process slower. This research starts from a condition that a conventional ICT learning through short workshop and guidance book is not working well. This research proposes a model called ICT instruction design model (ICT-IDM). This model provides fast track learning through integration between multimedia learning and self-paced hands-on E-learning. Through this case study, we discovered that the proposed model provides 27% rapid learning adoption rather than conventional learning model.
One of the most challenging in eXtreme Programming is composing the entire team member and customer onsite. This problem will become seriously when the entire team member unavailable in the same place or the customer cannot give... more
One of the most challenging in eXtreme Programming is composing the entire team member and customer onsite. This problem will become seriously when the entire team member unavailable in the same place or the customer cannot give representation person for the development team. This situation will make information imperfectly for both customer and team member. In this research, we solve the problem by implementing computer support cooperative work (CSCW) as a tool to improve eXtreme Programming method. By joining these two concepts, we get 15% productivity improvement as a ratio between XP projects with CSCW and without CSCW.
The most challenging aspect in global software development is a communication between team members. This problem become more challenging since the team member is separated geographically. In this case, the team should have same vision and... more
The most challenging aspect in global software development is a communication between team members. This problem become more challenging since the team member is separated geographically. In this case, the team should have same vision and mission to achieve the goal of the project. The project goal can be achieved when the team has same cognitive level. Email is one of the most used indirect communications tool to construct same cognitive level. This paper will describe how cognitive perception can be achieved by providing additional information in an email. This research is developed based on several case study in global software development. The result of this research will propose partial solution for the GSD team to use an email as a better communication tool to deliver better software.
Distributed Extreme Programming (DXP) is a framework which is designed to refine Extreme Programming (XP) in distributed software development model. Building software in a distributed development model requires far more... more
Distributed Extreme Programming (DXP) is a framework which is
designed  to  refine  Extreme  Programming  (XP)  in  distributed  software development  model. Building software in  a  distributed  development  model requires  far  more  than  just working  software. Working software is  useless unless  it  meets  the  customer  actual  needs  and  manages  the  risk.  This  paper
identified some numerous management problems in distributed development model as well as its practices to overcome it. This paper can be guidance for the software development team to handle  software  project  management in distributed software  development  model by using agile methods approaches like Extreme Programming.
Software development life cycle works as a process framework that underlying of the software engineering framework. In multi-site software development, the impact of not having a process framework is often quite disastrous. The multisite... more
Software development life cycle works as a process framework that underlying of the software engineering framework. In multi-site software development, the impact of not having a process framework is often quite disastrous. The multisite team can work anonymous and have no guidance to work and collaborate with others. Therefore, several researches have begun to introduce the important of the process framework through a legitimate software development life cycle. The most common process framework that introduced in multi-site software development is called as a Global Software Development process framework (GSD). However, many GSD implementations are reported as an enterprise process framework that highly iterative and model driven oriented. This paper will show an alternative way to modify the existing GSD SDLC into the simplified process framework by integrating the process framework with an agile method like eXtreme Programming. By simplifying the process framework, it will provide an opportunity for small and medium enterprise to adopt the proposed SDLC in multi-site development.
Every framework needs an evaluation. The evaluation determines the capability of the framework to support the phases, activity, roles, and product of the software engineering lifecycle. It is also to make sure that the proposed framework... more
Every framework needs an evaluation. The evaluation determines the capability of the framework to support the phases, activity, roles, and product of the software engineering lifecycle. It is also to make sure that the proposed framework can be adopted in real project and performed better than its predecessor. However, the standard of framework evaluation is somewhat limited. Development team chooses the framework based on the previous real project experience and others case studies. This paper will introduce a novel approach to evaluate the agile software engineering framework through its artifacts. An example of a reference model developed for the Global eXtreme Programming framework (GXP). GXP is used a case study to illustrate how the approach may be applied.
Distributed software development or multi-site development may increase the development life cycle. This happens predominantly due to cross-sites communication and coordination difficulties, which have made software development an even... more
Distributed software development or multi-site development may increase the development life cycle. This happens predominantly due to cross-sites communication and coordination difficulties, which have made software development
an even more challenging task. The need of a simple and formal
framework has been discussed through the concept of Global Software Development (GSD). However, the redundancy of development effort makes GSD need to be streamlined. This paper will make an effort to create a conceptual framework based on the well-known agile method called eXtreme Programming with the existing GSD process. The framework is called GXP, and it provides a formal framework that dedicated for distributed software development.
Indonesia as the largest country organizing the hajj, have strong reason to continue to improve the system of national pilgrimage (Hajj). With the Large amount of pilgrims, the hajj organizing has to be managed properly by the government,... more
Indonesia as the largest country organizing the hajj, have strong reason to continue to improve the system of national pilgrimage (Hajj). With the Large amount of pilgrims, the hajj organizing has to be managed properly by the government, both at the time of execution or before departure. One of the governments provided facilities for pilgrims before departure is learning hajj, which is now using the conventional learning method. In this research, a new design of learning hajj is introduced. Information technology as one mainstay in the process of learning and management these days is used to create a product in the form of software that can improve the effectiveness of learning hajj for pilgrims.
Sadar atau tidak, organisasi bergeser pada suatu paradigma ‘technology as an enabler for business’. Secara sederhana hal ini ditandai dengan banyaknya organisasi yang mulai bergantung pada teknologi untuk kehidupan bisnisnya. Hal tersebut... more
Sadar atau tidak, organisasi bergeser pada suatu paradigma ‘technology as an enabler for business’. Secara sederhana hal ini ditandai dengan banyaknya organisasi yang mulai bergantung pada teknologi untuk kehidupan bisnisnya. Hal tersebut tidak memandang besar-kecil sebuah organisasi, tetapi lebih melihat bagaimana peluang yang dimiliki teknologi dapat memberi napas yang berkelanjutan bagi bisnis.
Cloud Computing adalah salah satu teknologi yang menjadi jargon modern di abad 21. Berbagai fitur dan fungsi menjanjikan diyakini dapat meningkatkan keberlanjutan bisnis dan evolusi bisnis dari organisasi kecil hingga menjadi organisasi besar tanpa mengalami kendala migrasi teknologi yang berada di luar kapasitas organisasi. Harapannya teknologi Cloud Computing dapat membuat organisasi lebih fokus ke pengembangan bisnis dibanding fokus ke pengembangan teknologi yang bersifat operasional. Namun demikian, apakah Cloud Computing cocok bagi semua organisasi?

Buku ini akan memulai pemaparan, apakah Cloud itu untuk semua organisasi? Jika tidak, skenario bisnis apa yang cocok dengan cloud, dan tidak dengan cloud. Pembaca akan diajak untuk memahami Cloud Technology sebagai salah satu platform pengembangan bisnis, dibanding sebatas teknologi hosting yang elastis. Hasilnya, pembaca akan memiliki kemampuan analisis kelayakan teknologi cloud bagi bisnis. Buku ini juga menyajikan berbagai skenario yang umum dilakukan oleh UMKM dengan Cloud Computing, termasuk di dalamnya tutorial penggunaannya. Walaupun buku ini akan membahas Microsoft Azure, buku ini juga dapat digunakan bagi organisasi yang juga tengah mempertimbangkan solusi cloud computing lainnya.

Untuk memperoleh buku ini silahkan membeli langsung ke
Research Interests:
Perkembangan UKM, Startup, hingga perusahaan single fighter freelance menandakan bahwa ekonomi kreatif berkembang dengan berbagai euforianya. Lalu apakah perkembangan tersebut berelasi dengan keberhasilan pekerjaan yang dilakukan.... more
Perkembangan UKM, Startup, hingga perusahaan single fighter freelance menandakan bahwa ekonomi kreatif berkembang dengan berbagai euforianya. Lalu apakah perkembangan tersebut berelasi dengan keberhasilan pekerjaan yang dilakukan. Kenyataannya dalam buku ini dijelaskan dari hanya 30% pekerjaan berjalan dengan lancar, lalu bagaimana dengan yang lainnya?
Buku ini akan mulai membahas perlunya pergeseran paradigma proyek yang sekedar mencari keuntungan finansial ke arah memberi value dan menjalin relasi bagi kedua belah pihak. Begitu banyak contoh keberhasilan proyek pada saat sebuah organisasi menggeser dari revenue oriented ke value oriented. Buku ini akan mengajak pembaca memahami dasar manajemen proyek dengan aktualitas terkini di perkembangannya dalam lima Bab pertama, di lima Bab berikutnya buku ini akan membahas berbagai konsep praktis dan pragmatis dalam tata kelola proyek sehingga proyek dapat dikatakan sukses. Walaupun buku ini berjudul Dasar-dasar Manajemen Proyek Teknologi Informasi, buku ini dapat digunakan bagi siapapun yang hendak mempelajari dasar manajemen proyek dari berbagai bidang.

Untuk memperoleh buku ini silahkan membeli di tautan
Research Interests:
This Indonesian book will cover any basic skill that you need to ramp-up your skill on Microsoft Office. This bool will cover the latest Office 2013 or Office 365 Pro Plus. On this book, you will learn how to create effective presentation... more
This Indonesian book will cover any basic skill that you need to ramp-up your skill on Microsoft Office. This bool will cover the latest Office 2013 or Office 365 Pro Plus. On this book, you will learn how to create effective presentation on PowerPoint, how to create professional latter with Word, Building your log book on OneNote, Creating your poster within minutes with Publisher, Calculating your daily need on Excel, even communicate easily with Outlook
Research Interests:
"Lync online provides you a sufficient tool to support online meeting of event distance education. In this quick guide, Lync will be assigned and used to support distance education. Several scenario like planning, executing, and... more
"Lync online provides you a sufficient tool to support online meeting of event distance education. In this quick guide, Lync will be assigned and used to support distance education. Several scenario like planning, executing, and monitoring will be discussed here.
you can download the e-book for free by clicking the link or buy the hard copy via "
This Indonesian book will guide you to understand the Windows Presentation Foundation as a fundamental technology to create rich client application on Windows platform. You will learn the syntax, the API, and the technique to build... more
This Indonesian book will guide you to understand the Windows Presentation Foundation as a fundamental technology to create rich client application on Windows platform. You will learn the syntax, the API, and the technique to build desktop application on Windows
This Indonesian book will cover the basic knowledge on building application using ASP.NET and Visual Studio. In this book, you will learn how to plan, design, develop, and deploy the Web site solution using WebForms technology
This quick guide book will cover the basic understanding about smart client development with Visual Studio 2008. If you want to create a smart client application on Windows platform, this book is for you
This Indonesian book will covers the BlogEngine framework for ASP.NET Developer. You will learn how to setup, to create a blog post, and to extent the capability of BlogEngine as a blog platform
This Indonesian book titled "Petunjuk Praktis Office 365 Bagi Institusi Pendidikan dan Organisasi" will cover about Office 365 for small business or educational organization. This book is on second edition you can download it free by... more
This Indonesian book titled "Petunjuk Praktis Office 365 Bagi Institusi Pendidikan dan Organisasi" will cover about Office 365 for small business or educational organization. This book is on second edition you can download it free by clicking the link.
This book starts from the need to improve personal learning experience. Nowadays, people has several learning option such as classroom, e-learning, one-on-one coaching, and continuing education. This book provides steps by steps guide for... more
This book starts from the need to improve personal learning experience. Nowadays, people has several learning option such as classroom, e-learning, one-on-one coaching, and continuing education. This book provides steps by steps guide for the teacher or student who want to utilize his learning experience use a free software namely Microsoft Learning Suite. This book covers several phases of personal learning with technology which are research phase, engineering phase, collaboration phase, and sharing knowledge phase. Each phase will be supported by a set of a software that can make learner more productive. By reading this book, teacher or student can get better insight how to make a learning experience more intuitive, fun, and technology enabled.
Perangkat lunak (software) berada pada tahap kedewasaan yang menggembirakan. Era software crisis yang menandakan kesulitan teknis pengembangan software, biaya pengembangan yang mahal, serta lambatnya pengembangan sudah sedikit demi... more
Perangkat lunak (software) berada pada tahap kedewasaan yang menggembirakan. Era software crisis yang menandakan kesulitan teknis pengembangan software, biaya pengembangan yang mahal, serta lambatnya pengembangan sudah sedikit demi sedikit teratasi. Ribuan Blog dan referensi online menjadi acuan pada developer, pengembangan sudah dapat dilakukan oleh personal melalui perangkat bantu yang gratis namun mencukupi, dan hasil pengembangan perangkat lunak kini dapat lebih cepat dipasaran melalui distribusi online sehingga tentu memangkas biaya distribusi melalui keping DVD.
Era software krisis yang sudah dilewati, bergeser pada kesadaran sektor bisnis bahwa software adalah “another big thing”. Sektor bisnis sebagai penggerak ekonomi mulai menumbuhkan perusahaan dengan bidang pengembangan software (Independent Software Vendor), akademi menghasilkan banyak lulusan TI, organisasi banyak yang mulai menggunakan TI sebagai solusi, serta banyak rekan-rekan kita berlomba menjadi freelance TI. Tantangannya akibat efek tersebut adalah suatu isu kebutuhan terhadap pengembangan cepat dengan kualitas software yang mencukupi. Bila Anda tidak mengembangkan cepat maka rekan Anda yang akan melakukannya, tetapi bila Anda mengembangkan cepat dengan kualitas seadanya maka Anda pun akan terhempas dari persaingan global lewat melalui era internet.
Buku ini adalah buku Hybrid. Buku ini dikatakan hybrid karena di dalamnya terdapat dua komponen utama yakni komponen akademis dan komponen praktis. Buku ini akan menjawab bagaimana mengembangkan suatu perangkat lunak dengan cepat dan berkualitas melalui kerangka kerja Distributed eXtreme Programming (GXP). GXP lahir dari sekumpulan paper akademis yang dibuktikan secara empiris melalui implementasi di berbagai proyek perangkat lunak yang penulis lakukan. GXP juga lahir sebagai suatu kerangka kerja dinamis yang memungkinkan perencanaan, proses konstruksi, dan perawatan software memiliki skalabilitas dari tingkat personal hingga tingkat global (banyak tim, terpisah dari berbagai negara).
Buku ini akan membahas mengenai proses rekayasa perangkat lunak dari ujung ke ujung. Pembaca akan diarahkan dalam suatu cerita bertajuk analisis yang diadopsi dari kisah nyata mengenai berbagai hal yang mungkin dan tidak dimungkinkan dilakukan dalam rekayasa perangkat lunak. Selain bercerita pembaca juga akan diajak berpetualang melalui serangkaian rekomendasi praktis di tiap tahap rekayasa perangkat lunak melalui studi kasus pengembangan aplikasi klien. Pembaca akan dipandu langkah demi langkah dari mulai menyusun tim, melakukan perencanaan rilis, melakukan unit testing, hingga strategi distribusi perangkat lunak.
Presentasi yang disampaikan di seminar teknologi di tanggal 27 Desember 2017 di Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta
Research Interests:
This slide is used on Gemastik Bootcamp 2017.
Research Interests:
PowerPoint zen mendiskusikan mengenai bagaimana sebuah PowerPoint digunakan untuk mempersiapkan, merancang, dan mempresentasikannya di depan umum khususnya di ranah akademik. Slide ini dipresentasikan di UGM
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Presentasi ini disampaikan di Microsoft Academic Round Table Meeting yang diselenggarakan 22/11/2016. Hal yang disampaikan pada presentasi ini adalah empat langkah menuju transformasi digital dengan teknologi Cloud.
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Presentasi ini dipresentasikan di TechTalk Community MeetUp 19/10/2016. Presentasi ini mendiskusikan mengenai dasar-dasar Power BI
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Paparan ini mendiskusikan berbagai teknologi modern web yang tengah berkembang dan maju di dunia web khususnya di teknologi Visual Studio. Paparan ini juga mengajak peserta untuk mulai belajar mengembangkan web. Paparan ini... more
Paparan ini mendiskusikan berbagai teknologi modern web yang tengah berkembang dan maju di dunia web khususnya di teknologi Visual Studio. Paparan ini juga mengajak peserta untuk mulai belajar mengembangkan web.

Paparan ini dipresentasikan pada diskusi TechTalk: Personal Web Development with WebMatrix, di Yogyakarta tanggal 27 September 2016
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Presentasi ini memaparkan berbagai tantangan dan hal yang menjadi peluang bagi guru untuk berinovasi dalam pembelajaran dengan TIK
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Presentasi ini disampaikan pada tanggal 9 September dalam Smart City Symposium 2016. Yogyakarta, UGM
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Presentasi ini menampilkan lima hal yang harus dikuasai oleh seorang pendidik pada saat hendak mengaplikasi inovasi pembelajaran dengan teknologi informasi
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Tulisan ini berisi catatan hasil diskusi workshop pembuatan ide dan penulisan karya ilmiah tingkat sekolah menengah di bidang rekayasa dan TIK. Disampaikan pada Tanggal 14-15 Maret 2016
Research Interests:
Presentasi ini mendiskusikan 10 langkah yang harus dilakukan seorang peneliti untuk merancang penelitiannya. Presentasi ini dipresentasikan di Pembinaan Peneliti di Dinas Pendidikan dan Olah Raga, Kab. Sleman
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Pada pelatihan ini dijelaskan mengenai 7 langkah mengembangkan game edukasi di KODU. Presentasi ini juga menjelaskan berbagai hal menarik yang harus dikuasai mengenai Kodu
Research Interests:
Presentasi ini menjelaskan ide yang mengkaji Jogja Cyber Province, sebuah slogan smart city khusus untuk Yogyakarta. Slide ini akan menjelaskan konsep People-Education-First yang dapat diterapkan di Yogyakarta. Materi ini dipresentasikan... more
Presentasi ini menjelaskan ide yang mengkaji Jogja Cyber Province, sebuah slogan smart city khusus untuk Yogyakarta. Slide ini akan menjelaskan konsep People-Education-First yang dapat diterapkan di Yogyakarta. Materi ini dipresentasikan di Government Engagement, 27-1-2016, FISIPOL Yogyakarta
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Memahami penelitian adalah dasar-dasar yang harus dimiliki peneliti muda untuk memulai penelitian secara sistematis dan produktif. Sesi presentasi ini dipresentasikan di Dinas Pendidikan dan Olah Raga DIY, pada tanggal 22 Januari 2016
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Presentasi ini menjabarkan mengenai perkembangan video game di Indonesia dan dunia. Khususnya mengenai perkembangan game bertema edukasi. Pembaca akan diajak untuk memahami proses mendesain, mengembangkan, dan mengevaluasi game pendidikan
Presentasi ini menjelaskan mengenai dasar-dasar penelitian bagi peneliti muda yang hendak memulai penelitian
Research Interests:
In this talk, It is shared the reason why the international certification is needed, the question types on certification, and how to prepare it
In this talk, it is shared about how the research methodology should be astablished as a systematic process of research. This talk also discuss about how student choose a corect method based on their research types
In this talk, it covers urgency model fr a research. it covers five tips to polish your research and several research model that will help you to shape a good research
In this Indonesian talk, we share about the 7 - 7 rules of a student research for a high school. 7 things that you need to avoid as a young researcher, and 7 things that you need to care as a young researcher. You can download the... more
In this Indonesian talk, we share about the 7 - 7 rules of a student research for a high school. 7 things that you need to avoid as a young researcher, and 7 things that you need to care as a young researcher.

You can download the slides by clicking the links
This Indonesian presentation covers several tips for high school student research
This bahasa Indonesia slidedeck will cover the five components of research essentials for student. This presentation is delivered at "Kegiatan Pembinaan Siswa Pengembangan Jaringan Pembinaan Lomba-Lomba Keilmuan"
Peleburan aspek teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada kurikulum pendidikan Indonesia tahun 2013 mendorong terjadinya dorongan perubahan di berbagai lini pendidikan termasuk pada pendidikan tinggi. Berdasar pada kurikulum 2013,... more
Peleburan aspek teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada kurikulum pendidikan Indonesia tahun 2013 mendorong terjadinya dorongan perubahan di berbagai lini pendidikan termasuk pada pendidikan tinggi. Berdasar pada kurikulum 2013, pendidikan dasar TIK (Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) tidak diperoleh secara formal di pendidikan dasar ataupun menengah. Hal ini dikarenakan aspek TIK diyakini sudah melebur di setiap aspek mata pelajaran dan kompetensi dasar siswa. Dengan kata lain, pendidikan tinggi saat ini menjadi satu-satunya penyampaian materi dan pembelajaran TIK yang bersifat formal bagi para siswa di Indoensia. Pada makalah ini akan disampaikan usulan pemetaan dan visi pendidikan TIK secara erstruktur di perguruan tinggi. Usulan pemetaan tersebut diharapkan dapat menjadi dasar penyelenggaraan mata kuliah aplikasi pengenalan teknologi informasi atau literasi digital di perguruan tinggi.
This Indonesian slide covers the foundations of cloud computing. its background, its potential, its mechanism, and its current issues
This slide covers several tips for a teacher to become a research mentor for a group of student. This slide will cover basic understanding of the research fundamental, understand the long tail research era, and moving from teacher to... more
This slide covers several tips for a teacher to become a research mentor for a group of student. This slide will cover basic understanding of the research fundamental, understand the long tail research era, and moving from teacher to mentor paradigm.
This talk will discuss about a research and development for high school student. In this talk, it will focus to streamline the student vision and mission to build better research from their young and energetic talent
IT Research become pervasive. It blends in many aspect of human life. Therefore, a lot of opportunity to extend an IT solution in many aspect of domain such as Medical, Ecology, Social, and others. This talk covers fundamental aspect and... more
IT Research become pervasive. It blends in many aspect of human life. Therefore, a lot of opportunity to extend an IT solution in many aspect of domain such as Medical, Ecology, Social, and others. This talk covers fundamental aspect and IT principles for student. By seeing this, hopefully student has good visibility to create differentiation on their research
Lab bagi sekolah berperan sebagai suatu fasilitas yang memberikan siswa pengalaman simulasi, eksperimen, dan pembelajaran teknis. Perkembangan TIK mendorong sebuah lab harus senantiasa “Agile” atau dinamis dengan perkembangan zaman. Hal... more
Lab bagi sekolah berperan sebagai suatu fasilitas yang memberikan siswa pengalaman simulasi, eksperimen, dan pembelajaran teknis. Perkembangan TIK mendorong sebuah lab harus senantiasa “Agile” atau dinamis dengan perkembangan zaman. Hal ini dikarenakan perubahan materi pembelajaran, perubahan teknologi, dan juga perubahan kebutuhan bisnis terhadap peran lab makin strategis. Manajemen lab yang dinamis sangat dibutuhkan karena idealnya pembelajaran adalah suatu kebutuhan yang dinamis dan berkesinambungan. Makalah ini akan menjelaskan salah satu upaya pengelolaan lab dengan mengintegrasikan aspek manajemen dan solusi teknis melalui pendekatan Lab Lifecycle Management (LLM). Makalah ini diharapkan dapat membantu para pengelola lab untuk melakukan aspek manajemen lab yang berorientasi pada kompetensi yang dinamis.
This paper introduces you a pragmatic algorithm to develop a software that help timetabling process on high school or university
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This presentation is presented on ICST 2017. This presentation discuss several techniques and method for web engineering education.
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This presentation is presented on The Eleventh 2016 International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems as third keynote. This presentation discuss 10 proven paths to improve software product creativity
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This presentation is published on ICITEE 2016
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This confrence presentation is presented on International Annual Engineering Seminars (INAES) 2016.
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This slides is for Conference Presentation ICIITE 2014 which are Mobile Tourism Service Model. The presentation can be downloaded by clicking the link below
Paper that presented on international conference ICITEE 2013. The International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering is an annual International conference organized by Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. ICITEE... more
Paper that presented on international conference ICITEE 2013. The International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering is an annual International conference organized by Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. ICITEE 2013 is co-organized by King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand and technically co-sponsored by IEEE Indonesia Section.
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Presentasi sebagai Keynote di KNASTIK 2013. KNASTIK 2013 adalah seminar nasional dengan tajuk Entering the New Business Era using Web and Mobile Application
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Presentation slide from ISODEL 2012. SODEL 2012 is designed to provide valuable opportunities for policy makers, researchers, practitioners, students, and scholars across the world to share ideas, best practices, and recommendations in... more
Presentation slide from ISODEL 2012. SODEL 2012 is designed to provide valuable opportunities for policy makers, researchers, practitioners, students, and scholars across the world to share ideas, best practices, and recommendations in promoting lifelong learning for all in its relation to achieve global welfare through the application of open, distance and e-Learning worldwide.
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This video covers 10 sessions of multimedia learning to understand how Minecraft can help the educator and student learn and use Minecraft for educational purposes. It covers basic to learning collaboration with MInecraft. Please view the... more
This video covers 10 sessions of multimedia learning to understand how Minecraft can help the educator and student learn and use Minecraft for educational purposes. It covers basic to learning collaboration with MInecraft. Please view the video on the link above, subscribes, and likes. The video tutorial is on Bahasa Indonesia
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This video tutorial provides 8 sessions of multimedia learning through video. it covers (1) HTML Introduction (2) CSS Introduction (3) JavaScript Introduction (4) JavaScript Library Framework (5) ASP.NET MVC (6) database access (7)... more
This video tutorial provides 8 sessions of multimedia learning through video. it covers (1) HTML Introduction (2) CSS Introduction (3) JavaScript Introduction (4) JavaScript Library Framework (5) ASP.NET MVC (6) database access (7) ASP.NET MVC Authentication (8) introduction with Web API. The videos are hosted on Youtube you can visit it by click the link above. Please subscribe to the channel and like the videos for more tutorials ahead
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This Indonesian video will cover the deployment strategy on Universal Windows Platform
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This tutorial will cover the basic concept of services on Universal Windows Platform
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This Indonesian video will cover basic concept of data access on UWP platform
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This video will cover the basic concept of UI on Windows Platform
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This Indonesian video will cover Universal Windows Platform
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This Indonesian webcast covers how to manage and to create a base calendar on Microsoft Project 2013
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XNA is not supported on Visual Studio 2015. This video tutorial will cover to hack the XNA Installation to support Visual Studio 2015. Please find the video tutorial on the link above
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This handsout is presented on TechTalk community series. it discuss how to create interaction design for your startup product
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This article will discuss how find a problem and gets need to build a product
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Handout ini disiapkan untuk memperkenalkan Power BI.
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