The 2nd Nature Research Academies Workshop 2019

Waktu : Rabu, 09 Oktober 2019 - Kamis, 10 Oktober 2019

To expand the global reach of Universitas Gadjah Mada scholars, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Nature Research will hold a two-day workshop for selected postgraduate student and faculty members (lecturers or professors) at Universitas Gadjah Mada with Master/Ph.D. qualification in the fields of sciences, technology, engineering, mathematics, health, humanities, and social sciences.

The Nature Research Academies is a two-day workshop with 8 consecutive sessions, starting from 8 am to 5 pm.

Latest update: 11 Oct 2019

Date 9–10 Oct 2019

Category Workshop
Language English
Participants Mahasiswa UGM, Dosen UGM, & Tenaga kependidikan tetap UGM
Location Auditorium, 5th floor, The Graduate School of UGM, Jalan Teknika Utara, Barek, Yogyakarta 55281

This workshop has already wrapped up. You can read the news here.

This is a copy of information from Badan Penerbit dan Publikasi's website for archive purposes.

Similar events
This event is similar with NRA 1.

Materials and certificate
Certificates and materials are given to the participants who have attended the workshop. The attendee is shown in the list below. Please check your UGM mail for the materials and you can get your certificate from the Direktorat Penelitian UGM office.

Should there be further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact Rafieiy.

About the trainer

Dr. Jeffrey Robens has strong scientific qualifications with 20 years of academic experience and numerous publications and awards. He received his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, and has worked at various institutes and universities in Singapore and Japan, including RIKEN and Kyoto University. In his current role as Editorial Development Manager at Nature Research, Dr. Robens gives educational seminars worldwide for authors to improve their manuscript quality and maximize their global impact. Using his extensive research and publication background, Dr. Robens is particularly able to assist non-native English-speaking researchers increase their chances of publication success.


No. Name Affiliation
1 Ana Kemala Putri Jauhari Faculty of Agricultural Technology
2 Andika Wicaksono Putro Faculty of Agricultural Technology
3 Andriati Ningrum Faculty of Agricultural Technology
4 Lucia Dhiantika Witasari Faculty of Agricultural Technology
5 Rachma Wikandari Faculty of Agricultural Technology
6 Riswahyuli Faculty of Agricultural Technology
7 Widiastuti Setyaningsih Faculty of Agricultural Technology
8 Boby Muslimin Faculty of Agriculture
9 Masanto Faculty of Agriculture
10 Nur Ainun H. J. Pulungan Faculty of Agriculture
11 Ratih Ida Adharini Faculty of Agriculture
12 Agussalim Faculty of Animal Science
13 Agustinus Paga Faculty of Animal Science
14 Heru Ponco Wardono Faculty of Animal Science
15 Restiyana Agustine Faculty of Animal Science
16 Widodo Faculty of Animal Science
17 Abdul Razaq Chasani Faculty of Biology
18 Dewi Masithoh Faculty of Biology
19 Dini Siswani Mulia Faculty of Biology
20 Donan Satria Yudha Faculty of Biology
21 Eka Sari Faculty of Biology
22 Husni Mubarok Faculty of Biology
23 Laksmindra Fitria Faculty of Biology
24 Muhamad Jalil Faculty of Biology
25 Munawir Sazali Faculty of Biology
26 Novita Yustinadiar Faculty of Biology
27 Nurrahmi Dewi Fajarningsih Faculty of Biology
28 Rury Eprilurahman Faculty of Biology
29 Anggraeni Faculty of Cultural Science
30 Eric Kunto Aribowo Faculty of Cultural Science
31 Mutiah Amini Faculty of Cultural Science
32 Nur Aini Setiawati Faculty of Cultural Science
33 Vera Budi Lestari Sihotang Faculty of Cultural Science
34 Ananto Ali Alhasyimi Faculty of Dentistry
35 Bekti Nur'aini Faculty of Dentistry
36 Dewi Agustina Faculty of Dentistry
37 Finsa Tisna Sari Faculty of Dentistry
38 Hendri Susanto Faculty of Dentistry
39 Heni Susilowati Faculty of Dentistry
40 Ika Dewi Ana Faculty of Dentistry
41 Niswati Fathmah Rosyida Faculty of Dentistry
42 Nunuk Purwanti Faculty of Dentistry
43 Nur Rahman Ahmad Seno Aji Faculty of Dentistry
44 Osa Amila Hafiyyah Faculty of Dentistry
45 Pinandi Sri Pudyani Faculty of Dentistry
46 Rezmelia Sari Faculty of Dentistry
47 Siti Sunarintyas Faculty of Dentistry
48 Sri Suparwitri Faculty of Dentistry
49 Ahmad Maulin Naufa Faculty of Economics and Business
50 Anna Purwaningsih Faculty of Economics and Business
51 Bramantika Oktavianti Faculty of Economics and Business
52 Dewi Ratih Faculty of Economics and Business
53 Dormauli Justina Faculty of Economics and Business
54 Fenny Trisnawati Faculty of Economics and Business
55 Hermansyah Andi Wibowo Faculty of Economics and Business
56 Indra Wijaya Kusuma Faculty of Economics and Business
57 Kusharyanti Faculty of Economics and Business
58 Achilleus Hermawan Astyanto Faculty of Engineering
59 Aderita Mariana Takeleb Faculty of Engineering
60 Adi Wijaya Faculty of Engineering
61 Agung Mubyarto Faculty of Engineering
62 Alexander Agung Faculty of Engineering
63 Anan Nugroho Faculty of Engineering
64 Anita Nofiana Faculty of Engineering
65 Arif Kusumawanto Faculty of Engineering
66 Atriyon Julzarika Faculty of Engineering
67 Bambang Kun Cahyono Faculty of Engineering
68 Bayu Rima Aditya Faculty of Engineering
69 Dedi Atunggal Faculty of Engineering
70 Dedy Masnur Faculty of Engineering
71 Dwi Joko Suroso Faculty of Engineering
72 Dwi Lestari Faculty of Engineering
73 Dwi Wahyu Prabowo Faculty of Engineering
74 Endang Mawarsih Faculty of Engineering
75 Erich Umbu Kondi Maliwemu Faculty of Engineering
76 Erwin Setyo Nugroho Faculty of Engineering
77 Farid Wajdi Faculty of Engineering
78 Freddy Marihot Rotua Nainggolan Faculty of Engineering
79 Hery Tristijanto Faculty of Engineering
80 I Wayan Mustika Faculty of Engineering
81 I Wayan Warmada Faculty of Engineering
82 Indah Hartati Faculty of Engineering
83 Kartika Firdausy Faculty of Engineering
84 Kumara Ari Yuana Faculty of Engineering
85 Kusmiarto Faculty of Engineering
86 Lely Masthura Faculty of Engineering
87 Leni Sophia Heliani Faculty of Engineering
88 Linda Fanggidae Faculty of Engineering
89 Margaretha Elya Lim Putraningtyas Faculty of Engineering
90 Muhammad Anif Faculty of Engineering
91 Muhammad Nadjib Faculty of Engineering
92 Muslim Mahardika Faculty of Engineering
93 Mustaza Ma'a Faculty of Engineering
94 Ni Komang Ayu Agustini Faculty of Engineering
95 Ni Nyoman Nepi Marleni Faculty of Engineering
96 Novi Maulida Ni'mah Faculty of Engineering
97 Novitasari Faculty of Engineering
98 Nurrohmat Widjajanti Faculty of Engineering
99 Ratna Dewi Nur'aini Faculty of Engineering
100 Silfia Mona Aryani Faculty of Engineering
101 Siti Umi Kalsum Faculty of Engineering
102 Teguh Wibowo Faculty of Engineering
103 Titis Wijayanto Faculty of Engineering
104 Windarta Faculty of Engineering
105 Yanuar Ady Setiawan Faculty of Engineering
106 Yenny Nurchasanah Faculty of Engineering
107 Yulaikhah Faculty of Engineering
108 Hermudananto Faculty of Forestry
109 Ronggo Sadono Faculty of Forestry
110 Djaka Marwasta Faculty of Geography
111 Muhammad Baiquni Faculty of Geography
112 Pramaditya Wicaksono Faculty of Geography
113 Ratih Fitria Putri Faculty of Geography
114 Wirastuti Widyatmanti Faculty of Geography
115 Alfatika Aunuriella Dini Faculty of Law
116 A. Nina Rosana Chytrasari Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
117 Aditya Rianjanu Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
118 Afiyati Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
119 Atina Ahdika Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
120 Ayu Pertiwi Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
121 Binti Solihah Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
122 Bonusa Nabila Huda Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
123 Ednawati Rainarli Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
124 Eko Hadiyono Riyadi Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
125 Ely Setiawan Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
126 Enang Rusnandi Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
127 Evy Sulistianingsih Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
128 Gumgum Darmawan Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
129 Hermansah Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
130 I Made Agus Wirawan Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
131 Ida Kurnia Waliyanti Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
132 Ihsanul Arief Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
133 Iman Paryudi Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
134 Kartika Sari Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
135 La Gubu Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
136 Lucia Ratnasari Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
137 M. Ivan Ariful Fathoni Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
138 Muhammad Zidny Naf'an Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
139 Nurhaida Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
140 Nurul Hidayat Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
141 Putriaji Hendikawati Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
142 Raden Sumiharto Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
143 Rahmat Basuki Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
144 Retno Subekti Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
145 Ridwan Pandiya Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
146 Rosa Delima Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
147 Shidiq Nur Hidayat Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
148 Sigit Ristanto Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
149 Taufan Hari Sugara Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
150 Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
151 Vina Fitriana Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
152 Zaied Shouran Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
153 Abdul Gofir Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
154 Agnes Bhakti Pratiwi Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
155 Anggi Lukman Wicaksana Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
156 Astuti Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
157 Atitya Fithri Khairani Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
158 Ch. Tri Nuryana Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
159 Christantie Effendy Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
160 Ika Ratna Palupi Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
161 Mustofa Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
162 Paryono Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
163 R. Artanto Wahyono Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
164 Rizqiani Amalia Kusumasari Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
165 Widya Wasityastuti Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
166 Widyawati Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
167 Yanri Wijayanti Subronto Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
168 Yudha Nurhantari Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
169 Cintya Nurul Apsari Faculty of Pharmacy
170 Hasyrul Hamzah Faculty of Pharmacy
171 Helmi Faculty of Pharmacy
172 Muhammad Novrizal Abdi Sahid Faculty of Pharmacy
173 Tanti Tantang Irianti Faculty of Pharmacy
174 Yuhansyah Nurfauzi Faculty of Pharmacy
175 Agus Wahyudi Faculty of Philosophy
176 Farid Faculty of Philosophy
177 Hastanti Widy Nugroho Faculty of Philosophy
178 Imam Wahyuddin Faculty of Philosophy
179 Juhansar Faculty of Philosophy
180 Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin Faculty of Philosophy
181 Rachmad Hidayat Faculty of Philosophy
182 Rona Utami Faculty of Philosophy
183 Sartini Faculty of Philosophy
184 Septiana Dwiputri Maharani Faculty of Philosophy
185 Sri Yulita Pramulia Panani Faculty of Philosophy
186 Supartiningsih Faculty of Philosophy
187 Sri Kusrohmaniah Faculty of Psychology
188 Ahmad Sholikin Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
189 Eka Zuni Lusi Astuti Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
190 Rezaldi Alief Pramadha Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
191 Ririn Tri Nurhayati Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
192 Imas Yuyun Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
193 M. Th. Khrisdiana Putri Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
194 Rama Dharmawan Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
195 Agus Kurnia Graduate School
196 Agus Suyanto Graduate School
197 Anna Rakhmawati Graduate School
198 Cahyo Seftyono Graduate School
199 Ema Damayanti Graduate School
200 Eni Dwi Islamiati Graduate School
201 Jujun Kurniawan Graduate School
202 Medhina Magdalena Graduate School
203 Muhammad Syukril Graduate School
204 Triastuti Rahayu Graduate School
205 Wasyith Graduate School
206 Yeny Fitriyani Graduate School
207 Rhamadinna Fatimah Others
208 Hidayat Panuntun Vocational School
209 Lillyana Mulya Vocational School
210 Ratih Hardiyanti Vocational School
211 Rian Mantasa Salve Prastica Vocational School
212 Ronald Adrian Vocational School
213 Sri Wijanarti Vocational School
214 Sugiyanto Vocational School
215 Ummul Hasanah Vocational School