Collaborate with UGM Library
We are open for collaborations and partnership including seminars, conferences, media involvement, social media participations, sponsorships, joint research.

This form is treated as a formal proposal of collaborations.

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How do you plan to collaborate with us?  e.g. Seminar, sharing session, information dissemination, research, media promotions, sponsorship, etc.
Title of the proposed activity *
Day and Date of the proposed activity *
Time of the proposed  activity *
Participants of the proposed activity (eg. students, lecturers, researchers, public) *
Venue of the proposed activity (eg. online or on-site) *
Is the proposed activity free of charge? *
If no, how much will the participants pay? *
Name of organisation/institution/company *
What is the type of organisation/institution/company? *
Website address *
Social Media address
Please explain shortly our role in your proposed event or how you would like us to support you *
Please send an email with this line below to: 

Subject: A proposed collaboration has been initiated  
Body: A proposed collaboration has been initiated

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